Community Resources

Reporting Child Abuse

All suspected child abuse and neglect must be reported to the 24-hour Division of Family Services (DFS) Child Abuse and Neglect Report line at 1-800-292-9582. You may also call any Law Enforcement Agency or 911, but not in lieu of contacting DFS. You are not required to provide proof.  Anyone who makes a good faith report based on reasonable grounds is immune from prosecution. 

Visit for more information about reporting child abuse.  

Parent/Caregiver Resources

Referral information for human service organizations in Delaware 

Call 211 or visit 

For more information about 211 see their brochure

Connect with services in your community -

Delaware Thrives

Information and resources about making healthy choices for families, visit:  

Healthy Eating Information 


Home Visiting in Delaware 

For information about Delaware’s home visiting programs call 211 or go to

 Infant Crying

Parenting Education

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Videos and information about parenting, visit:

 The National Children’s Advocacy Center:

A national center that provides education and training about child abuse and supporting and protecting children who have experienced child abuse.  


Delaware has three offices, one in each county.  Visit their website for more information. 


An online guide to Human Services


Childhelp USA

(800) 4-A-CHILD
Operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature and referrals.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

24-Hour Hotline and CyberTipline (for reporting child sexual exploitation)
(800) THE-LOST

If you think you have seen a missing child, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. The Congressionally-authorized Cybertipline is a means for reporting crimes against children. Reports may be made 24-hours a day, 7 days a week online at

National Runaway Safeline

(800) 621-4000
The National Runaway Switchboard's mission is to facilitate relationships that ensure youth and families have access to resources in their communities.

Priority Response Crisis Helpline


ContactLifeline Crisis Helpline (Sexual Assault)


For more information or to “chat online” 5:30 pm – 11:30 go to: 

Domestic Violence Hotline

Child Inc.’s Domestic Violence Hotline – 302-762-6110

The SAFE Program at People’s Place II – 302-422-8058

Abriendo Puertas Bilingual Hotline – 302-745-9874