Training Programs
PCAD offers a variety of training targeted to childcare professionals on issues related to child abuse and protecting children. Training is offered throughout the year in all three counties. On-site training is available for staff of 10 or more. Most of our training has been approved for quality-assured training hours by the Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood.
Please contact the PCAD office at 302-425-7490 to arrange training.
Building Collaborative Relationships with Families – six hours
Building positive relationships with families is key to developing a mutual, respectful partnership. This partnership will benefit, the staff, parents, children and center and ultimately create safe nurturing environments where children can thrive. Providers will learn about parallel processes, practice active listening and how to use self-awareness and careful observation to form flexible response to a parent or child’s needs.
Helping Children to Develop Social Skills – two hours
Participants will learn the importance of social skills and how to develop them. They will hear about ways to help a child learn social skills. Participants will practice specific strategies and learn how to help children take their skills from simple to complex.
The Impact of Trauma on the Developing Child – four hours
Ever wonder why some parents appear uninterested in their child and their development or why a child can’t “behave”? For some families, trauma is the cause. Trauma is prevalent in our society and impacts millions of families. Childcare professionals deal with these impacted children and families daily. This curriculum will help professionals understand what trauma is and how it affects families. It will encourage providers to think about challenging families differently and approach them in new ways.
Supportive Responses to Troubling Parent–Child Interactions – six hours
In their daily work with families, childcare professionals have a unique window into families’ strengths and challenges. When observing a troubled parent-child interaction, a provider many not be sure how to intervene. In this workshop, participants will learn strategies to help build family capacity strengthen the connection between a parent and a child and ensure a child’s safety. Participants will be able to identify a range of interventions designed to support positive parent-child interactions and intervene in troubled parent-child interactions. Providers will practice responding to parents who are engaged in potentially harmful parent-child interactions.
Bullying: What to do? - two hours
Participants in this training will understand bullying in general and specifically, what can be done in a preschool setting. This training details what behaviors in preschool can lead to bullying in grade school and beyond.
Child Abuse: What is it and How Do I Handle it? – six hours
Child abuse is a serious public health issue that has lifelong adverse health, economic and societal consequences. At this workshop, participants will learn to understand the prevalence, definitions and signs of child abuse. Participants will also examine the lifelong effects of child abuse and risk factors of abuse. How to report child abuse and respond to children who have experienced child abuse will be covered in depth..
Pooh, Piglet and Tigger: Understanding Temperament – two hours
Ever wonder why some children are cautious, quiet and adverse to change while others are loud, full of energy and look for opportunities to experience new things? Temperament accounts for many of these differences. This workshop gives participants a basic overview of temperament. Participants will learn what each of the nine temperament traits are as well as the three most common temperament types.
Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse – two hours
Child abuse affects millions of children each year. This workshop will provide a basic overview of child abuse and neglect. It will help participants understand what child abuse is and how to recognize potential signs of abuse. How to make a report and Delaware child abuse reporting laws will be covered.
Understanding Temperature – six hours
A child’s temperament influences the way he/she experiences and responds to the world. Understanding what temperament is and the nine temperament traits will help parents and providers work more effectively with the children in their care. Providers will explore the link between temperament and “goodness of fit” between children and caregivers. Participants will explore their own temperament traits and types and examine how that impacts who they perceive as “challenging”, how they run their classrooms and interact with children and parents. This concept can be applied to parents and participants will be given tips in assisting parents in understanding their own and their children’s temperament.